Proper Dental Care For Sensitive Teeth

By Michael Russell

Have you ever experienced that familiar electric stinging sensation as you take a sip of iced tea or a slurp of your favorite hot soup? Have you ever felt like crying as pain hits you after you took a bite of your favorite candy bar? Well, if you answered yes, there is a great probability that you are suffering from sensitive teeth!

What causes the problem? The problem of sensitive teeth may stem from a wide variety of reasons - ranging from the simple to the complicated. This dental problem can result from a mere “bruised” tooth caused by biting too hard on something or as a result of a routine dental procedure (such as after having them cleaned or filled). Clamping the jaws tightly and habitual tooth grinding may also lead to this condition. However, tooth or teeth sensitivity may also result from a dead tooth pulp that requires a much more complicated dental procedure.

In order to solve this dental problem, it would be best to see your dentist to determine what exactly is causing all the trouble. If a simple enamel abrasion or normal gum recession brings about your condition, rejoice! You can effectively deal with the problem just by following these simple suggestions:

Proper dental hygiene is the key. As a rule of thumb, you must observe proper dental hygiene at all times. It would be advisable to brush your teeth at least twice a day using a soft toothbrush and the proper brushing techniques. Flossing at least once every day will also be a great idea. These practices will definitely hold dental plaque at bay and prevent it from causing even more trouble.

Why all this attention in keeping plaque away as much as possible? Well, dental plaque, that white gummy substance that forms on the surface of your teeth, can cause sensitive teeth to react more strongly to the usual stimulants whenever the affected tooth comes into contact with them. Thus, waging a war against dental plaque can definitely spare you from pain and save your day!

Use desensitizing toothpaste - If you are suffering from widespread dental sensitivity due to enamel abrasion or gum-line recession, dental fillings alone cannot effectively solve the problem. One good way to treat this problem is to start using desensitizing toothpastes. These products can help reduce your problem by filling up the tubules in the dentin to minimize your tooth or teeth’s sensitivity.

You can also use these special dental products to coat the areas surrounding the sensitive tooth or teeth before you retire for the night to help reduce the pain. For best results, try not to rinse your mouth after the application. Do this for two to three weeks and feel the difference!

Swish on a fluoride rinse - Using specially formulated fluoride rinses can effectively reduce your teeth’s sensitivity. You can buy these products in your local pharmacy or at the dental section of any grocery store. For best results, use the product once a day.

Make a stand – against snuff, that is. Believing that chewing on a tobacco is much less harmful than smoking it, many teenagers have recently taking on this nasty habit. More popularly known as “dip” or “snuff”, tobacco chewing can bring on more harmful effects such as mouth cancers, gum recession, tooth sensitivity and tooth decay.

Be good to your teeth. Follow these suggestions and you can be sure that the problem with your sensitive teeth can be handled more effectively!

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Dental

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Anonymous said...

It's sad to think that most people visit only their dentists, if they're already experiencing dental problems. It's true that proper oral care is the key to maintaining your healthy teeth.

Lawrence Gilstrap

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@ 2010 Edition of Dental Care