Oral hygiene as a Personal Care

Brushing and flossing
Careful and frequent brushing with a toothbrush and flossing help to prevent build-up of plaque bacteria that change carbohydrate in our meals or snacks to acid which demineralises tooth eventually leading to tooth decay and toothache if acid episodes are frequent or are not prevented. Calculus (dental) or tartar buildup on teeth usually opposite salivary ducts is due to calcium deposits in resident plaque. Frequent brushing and swishing saliva around helps prevent these deposits. Cavities can be costly, in terms of the monetary cost to drill out the cavities and insert dental fillings, and in terms of the tissue already damaged.

Almost all cavities occur where food is trapped between teeth and inside deep pits and fissures in grooves on chewing surfaces where the brush, toothpaste, mouthwash, saliva and chewing gum, cannot reach.

Removing food from between teeth is easy before brushing to help saliva and fluoride access to neutralise acid and repair demineralised tooth, but chewing fibre like celery string is necessary to force saliva inside deep grooves after eating.

Special appliances or tools may be recommended to supplement (but not to replace) toothbrushing and flossing. These include special toothpicks, water irrigation, or other devices. Initially electric toothbrushes were only recommended for persons who have problems with strength or dexterity of their hands, but many dentists are now recommending them to many other patients in order to improve their home dental care. In many parts of the world natural toothbrushes are used. In the Muslim world the miswak or siwak is made from twigs or roots that are alleged to have an antiseptic effect when applied as a toothbrush.

Reference at Source : wikipedia


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@ 2010 Edition of Dental Care